Saturday, December 27, 2008


I know that not everyone has turkey for their Christmas dinner; but for those of you that do, here is a quick and easy way to deal with some of your leftovers. When naming my recipes, I am not overly creative as you can tell by the name of this one -- "Turkey Surprise". It is quite simple. In any size baking dish that you desire, place leftover stuffing in the bottom of it. Then comes a layer of leftover mashed potatoes, followed by a layer of turkey that has been cut into small pieces. Once this has been compiled, I pour all of the leftover gravy over the top, cover it with foil, and pop it into the oven at 350 deg. for about 30 minutes, or until it is heated through. At my house this is always met with a warm reception, and seems like a quick way to finish up the leftovers. Even "non-stuffing" eaters seem to enjoy it. It is also very easy to put together, and a nice warm dinner on a very cold day.

Speaking of cold days, I just have to tell you that since my posting of December 18th we have received a total of 62 inches of snow! Prior to that we only measured 4 inches, bringing the total to 66 inches. These are all official measurements from a couple of days ago. This makes this December our snowiest December on record, and December isn't even over yet. Just last night we received an additional 10-12 inches, and even as I am writing this, we are in the midst of another big snowstorm. It is really coming down hard outside, and it is absolutely gorgeous.


Sheila said...

This is a great way to use leftovers; I will have to try after our next turkey meal (which will probably be on Monday since family is coming).

I love snow, but I don't know if I love 62+ inches!

Jennie and Julie said...

Hi Monica-

Earlier (much earlier) you asked about the peppermint torte. I haven't been at my computer until today, but did want to respond to you. How are you doing in all that snow?? Ours is about gone now, with the warm shift from California.
The torte is basically a crushed chocolate wafer and butter crust...with a melted marshmellow and milk filling whipped into whipped cream and garnished with a dollop of whipped cream on top. I colored the filling green and then put green sprinkles on top of the whipped cream (just for the holidays). If you would like the recipe just let me know and I will post it for you. Hope your Christmas celebration was wonderful.