Monday, April 6, 2009

Lemon Juice and Sunshine

This past week we took a little vacation to a nearby resort that has an enclosed water park. We had a great time, especially since we were all able to be together. After arriving home, and beginning to tackle the post-vacation laundry, I saw what appeared to be rust stains on my son's swimming shorts. He said that while it was hanging to dry one day, it had been touching a big decorative copper plate that was part of the hotel's decor. I tried one of my two favorite spot removers on it, and it didn't even begin to take it away. I then tried my other favorite spot remover; but once again, no luck. So I got online hoping to find a solution. I found one stain removal guide that suggested rubbing the stains with a fresh cut lemon and then allowing it to dry in the sun. My first problem was that we had no sunshine. I went ahead and rubbed the fresh cut lemon on the stains, and once it stopped snowing, placed his suit outside knowing that there must be some sun up above the clouds somewhere. I was totally amazed with the results. I did repeat the process a couple of times (probably because the sun was doing its best to hide its face), but now there are absolutely no traces of the rust stains.


Ellena said...

Hey! I sounds like you guys had fun! I've gotta try that stain remover :P

Sheila said...

This sounds effective. I have some rust stains on our carpet, unfortunately I cannot get them out to the sun. Maybe if I move furniture around I can get some sunlight through the window. I will have to try; anything is better then letting the stain stay. It has been an unwelcome guest long enough.