Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In Like a Lion

As the saying goes, "March comes in like a lion"....., and it certainly has done just that.  I kind of don't mind though because it is "March", and a wonderful month it is.  Besides being a month which holds a number of birthdays of people near and dear to my heart, it is also known to "go out like a lamb".  That means in just a few short weeks, the sun will perhaps grace its warm presence upon us.  And what will I be doing once the warm sun hits?   I will be setting up my new greenhouse!  My neighbor built this for me .... just because.  It was so kind of him to do this, and I was extremely surprised when it was given to me.  I still can't believe that my tomatoes and peppers will actually have a warm spot to grow this summer.  I can just taste the fresh salsa now .....


Kathy said...

Over here March has come in like a lamb .. we had a first hint of Spring today with blue skies and a little bit warmer than last week. Can't believe you've still got snow.

Florence said...

It is so hard to believe that our gardens could be planted in the next month with all of snow blanketing the garden beds. Florence

koralee said...

How sweet of him..yes...the sun is on her way. xoxoxoo hugs for a great day.

Woman of the House said...

Please show us what it looks like when you get it assembled. Looks like it will be great! What a wonderful neighbor you have!