Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Treasures

Christmas decorations make me smile. For me, it isn't about having the most beautiful decorations, or a tree decorated according to a particular theme. It is about memories of past Christmases. When my children were younger, I always tried to come up with a new craft of some sort for them each year. I have saved all of those projects; and now, when I pull out these various projects, they really do make me smile. I can remember their little hands being so busy around the table working on their projects. Here are a couple of treasures that my son made when he was probably about 4 years old (17 years ago). How can these not make someone smile?


Peter Jones said...

Ahhh...that one on the bottom is so great! Those are great memory keepers! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Grandma has the sock doll that Ashley made? It is just as cute and I will have to get a picture. We loved making sock dolls and we got the idea from an older cousin one year. I guess that Luke didn't want to feel left out!

koralee said...

I too have many of these treasures around my home that I adore from when my children were younger.

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Keepers for sure!
