Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Christmas Eve Eve

Somewhere in time when my kids were younger, a Christmas greeting just seemed necesssary on the 23rd of December.  I think it just added to all of the excitement building for Christmas Day.  So around our house on this day, everyone was greeted with "Happy Christmas Eve Eve".  It made us smile and giggle to say that.  We still say it; and because I think everyone needs to take some time to smile and giggle today, I will wish each and every one of you a very "Happy Christmas Eve Eve" as well.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Chickens

I must admit that my little etsy shop has been a bit neglected over the past months.  But in trying to restock, and bring a little bit of life back into it, I have created a little Christmas family of chickens to give it a bit of a spark.  I have so many ideas of things I would like to make and sell; however, they usually just sit quietly in the design stage of my mind.  Recently though my workshop has been waking up from its dry spell, and so I would like to introduce you to Jolly, Joy, and little Jingle.

They promise to add a bit of fun to any corner of your current Christmas decor, as well as make a delightful gift.