Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Fresh Beginning

Today marks a new day, a new month, and a new year.  That's a lot of new for one morning.  And really, even though it is just a continuation of our story from yesterday, there is just something different about this morning each year.  It's like we've been given a fresh start, a do-over for some, or a fresh outlook on what lies ahead.  I kind of like to think about it as if I have been handed a brand new, blank canvas.  God is my teacher, and by following His instruction, I can finish up this year with a beautiful picture.  Undoubtedly this year will be filled with many blessings, many trials, and unforeseen events.  But that's how we learn from Him.  It isn't paint-by-number, but closely following His teachings, having faith, and trusting that He has a plan for our lives.  Happy New Year everyone.


Anonymous said...

Love the picture..and love the "paint by number" idea...totally agree that it is not that! Some days wish it were. Happy New Year dear friend!

Jennifer D said...

Happy New Year!

koralee said...

Perfect way to start the New Year...with HIS Peace! xox